Helping churches love
gay people & celibate
Christians find family.
Author/Speaker, Church Consultant, Monastery-Builder, Licensed Counselor
Writer/speaker about discernment, vocational singleness, & Christian sexuality
Director of Equip—consulting & training solutions for churches to help gay people thrive according to a biblical sexual ethic
Teacher/diaconate explorer in the Anglican Church in North America
Founding brother of the Nashville Family of Brothers, an ecumenical monastery building family for men called to kingdom singleness
Check out Published Articles, Podcasts, & Video Seminars by Pieter
Trained more than 30,000 Christian leaders at 100+ churches, Christian universities, and campus ministries including...
Written about vocational singleness and sexuality in Christianity Today, Mere Orthodoxy, Christ & Pop Culture, Fathom Magazine, Ekstasis Magazine, Missio Alliance, Juicy Ecumenism, The Living Church, Anglican Compass, Nashotah House Theological Seminary, Outreach Magazine, RENEW.org, and Awaken Catholic.