Pieter L Valk

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Responding to Progressive Sexual Ethics Arguments

Did Jesus talk about gay sex?

That's 1 of 9 arguments for gay-affirming theology I tackled in a seminar in 2020. Here's my summary of the most convincing arguments for a progressive sexual ethic:

1. Jesus didn’t talk about gay sex
2. Christians were wrong about slavery and women
3. God makes people gay
4. Celibacy shouldn’t be forced
5. Mixed-orientation marriages don’t work
6. Traditional sexual ethics bear bad fruit
7. A loving God wouldn’t deny a loving marriage

How would you respond?

Read the transcript at https://docs.google.com/document/d/13ySG_ZknTyS2cUZl33HEd6GLF5Yn-NdojcarxreB9sI/edit?usp=sharing.