Intentional Community on the Your Other Brothers Podcast

How can guys HEALTHILY navigate emotional or sexual attractions for other men they do life with?

We explored this question and more on the latest Your Other Brothers podcast. I (virtually) sat down with Mark Zuniga and the other hosts to discuss my Christianity Today article and the Nashville Family of Brothers.

Another tough question: How do brothers who have been deeply WOUNDED by community in the past lean into NFOB?

“You’re not going to like my answer.

If you want community with humans on this side of heaven, you’ll have to do life with BROKEN people who will invariably HURT you.

So we can’t AVOID being hurt by those we find family with.

But if we’ve made lifetime commitments to those we live with, we’re at least protected from the added pain of ABANDONMENT.

In the Nashville Family of Brothers we will disagree and hurt each other, but even in those moments we’ll be comforted by the fact that our brothers will NOT RUN AWAY.

And that confidence that our brokenness will not break our relationships makes it easier to lean into RECONCILIATION in ways that minimize our pain.”

Check out the rest of the podcast where we discuss the logistics of living under one roof with fellow single celibate male believers: what happens every week, who’s in charge, how do you join, and how long do you stay?

We also dive deeper into the practice of living intentionally under the same roof with other men: the joys and the challenges. What do you do if you develop emotional or sexual attractions for other men in your longterm living space, or how do you even take a chance on intentional community to begin with if you’ve been wounded by communities in the past?


Why pause & ask God His preference?


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