Pieter L Valk

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I’m on sabbatical…see you in August!

Over the past few years, I've gotten in the habit of choosing to work 70 hours a week and neglecting my family of brothers and people from my church who I've committed to.

More than a year ago, the board of Equip and I began planning for me to take another sabbatical. Rest assured, this isn't the result of some critical moral failure or a sabbatical-before-quitting.

We just want to make sure I'm taking preventative steps to ensure I can faithfully labor for the sake of the kingdom for decades to come.

To help with this, over the next two months, I'm getting off of social media, bumping my counseling clients to August, taking a break from the work of Equip, and generally avoiding productivity and intensity.

My hope is to rediscover the value of slow, unplanned, ordinary time with the people I love. To that end, I'll mostly spend the next two months in Nashville, hanging out with my people.

Starting June 1st, please pray for my sabbatical, that I would hold these boundaries and lean into any discomfort that comes up.

Pray that I would meet the Lord in unhurried time with my family of brothers, visits to the zoo with my godson, laid-back dinners with brothers and sisters in Christ, and leisurely walks in the sun.

See you in August!

P.S. If you have any ideas for ways I can rest well, feel free to pass them on!

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