What my celibacy tattoo means...

When I make lifetime commitments to vocational singleness and to NFOB next month, I want some kind of physical symbol to remind me of my commitments and help me share my story with others.

So I decided to get a tattoo.

It's on my wrist because I want it to be visible most of the time, and I decided to get a tattoo of the Nashville Family of Brothers' new logo. Here's what it means:

Four hands represent Christian brothers who are gathered into a family by their common bond in Jesus Christ. He is the vine in Whom we each abide and through Whom we hope to bear much fruit.

The hands hold four objects representing the four lifetime commitments brothers make. The key symbolizes our commitment of family to offer each other our time, presence, care, and vulnerability as our lifelong family.

The crown symbolizes our commitment of vocational singleness to permanently give up romance and marriage to instead do kingdom work with undivided attention. The book symbolizes our commitment of obedience to live according to the wisdom of the Scriptures and NFOB's Community Covenant.

The cup symbolizes our commitment of simplicity and service with our resources. Christ poured out his love for each of us, and in turn we strive to pour out to others by stewarding our time and money with modesty and generosity.

I look forward to people asking about the tattoo and giving me a chance to share why I've decided to exchange romance + kids for kingdom work with undivided attention + family with brothers in Christ!

P.S. Grateful for biobro Gabe and close friend Amber going with me


For 24 hrs, I thought I might leave my family


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