Why would an LGBT+ person ever want to attend my church?

Why would an lgbt+ person every want to attend my church? particularly if they're not a Christian and disagree with our sexual ethics? Honestly, that's a pretty universal question:

Why would anyone want to be a part of a church that calls him or her to inconvenient stewardship of any kind? It seems to me that Jesus is particularly interested in the lonely.
Those who are yearning for thicker community.

People who are disillusioned with the brokenness of the world and looking for an opportunity to make the world better alongside others. So be a be a church that offers that.

Cultivate family in the body of Christ better than people can find anywhere else that invites the lonely in and loves them deeply.

Challenge your church to prioritize serving the poor and needy in your city, and then invite purposeless people to be on mission with you to bring forth Christ's kingdom.

Basically, offer something so compelling and so beautiful that individuals will want to continue to be a part of your church despite other aspects they strongly disagree with. And then trust the Holy Spirit.

Watch the video at https://www.instagram.com/p/C5bQdQnJvKL/


Turning the cheek (when I "think" I'm a victim, and otherwise)


How do you share the gospel with an LGBT+ person?