The Case for Vocational Singleness
From Christianity Today - How can our churches raise up more kingdom workers to heal our communities with undivided attention? Our churches need to become places where young adults genuinely discern whether God is calling them to vocational singleness or Christian marriage.
5 Strategies for Your Church
Are gay people thriving according to God’s wisdom in your church? Watch this video about five common challenges churches face and five proven strategies for becoming churches where LGB people flourish according to a traditional sexual ethic.
Leveraging Christian Singleness
Watch this video to deepen your vision for how God wants to use singleness, whether temporary or lifetime. What is vocational singleness? Why does God call people to vocational singleness?
Made for Intimacy and Family
How had God created all of us for human intimacy in the context of lived-in, lifelong family? Watch this video exploring healthy intimacy need fulfillment.
Sexual Ethics & Empty Words
I language popularized by the Gay Christian Network. “Side A”, “Side B”, and “Side X” shorthand is an attempt at value-neutral language that challenges unhelpful dichotomy. But what do each of these labels mean? And what does it look like for a church to embody each of these beliefs?