The Curse & Glory of the Eunuch
Watch this seminar exploring the following questions: How were celibate, childless people marginalized in the Old Testament? What promises were made to childless celibates? How did Jesus fulfill those promises? How might that shape the ways we think about our sexualities today?
What has covid revealed about singleness in our churches?
Watch this interview with Lorinda Pretorius (a Christian Sexologist in South Africa and host of the Chasing Something Podcast) where we discuss singleness and intimacy.
Jesus & Paul Taught Lifetime Singleness
Here's 5 reasons why Jesus and Paul *were* particularly talking about permanent singleness. Plus how recognition of this would change our churches.
Church Support for Vocational Singleness
Watch this video exploring how can churches help those called to vocational singleness thrive with reasonable effort (regardless of sexual orientation).
Purity Culture grew from romance idolatry
Listen to this episode of the "Where do we go from here?" podcast where Devi Abraham. Jessica Van Der Wyngaard, and I talk about purity culture and celibacy. The problem with "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and True Love Waits wasn't traditional sexual ethics. It's that purity culture sold Christians the idol of romance.
What makes relationships safe?
Listen to this episode of the "Unsuitable with MaryB. Safrit" Podcast where we chat about finding family in vocational singleness and what makes relationships safe.
Is it really better to marry than burn with desire?
From Fathom Magazine - Today, more Christian young adults are postponing marriage or considering never marrying than ever before, and the church at large fears plummeting marriage percentages and the declining birth rates that follow. As those numbers soften, their refrain booms louder: “If abstinent singleness isn’t easy for you, don’t worry. Just get married.” Armed with 1 Corinthians 7:9, they plead with the under-thirty crowd, “PLEASE. Get married.”
Is romance an idol?
Watch this video seminar from Valentine's Day when I joined the Boston Fellows to explore how God's call to vocational singleness challenges the idol of romance in our cities and churches.
What’s the best thing straight Christians can do for gay people?
What is the most impactful thing straight Christians can do for gay people? My answer: Give God a chance to call you to vocational singleness.
Why pause & ask God His preference?
Listen to this podcast where we ask, "Why should a Christian pause and ask God if He has a preference between vocational singleness and Christian marriage?”The answer: GIFT
Theology on Tap on Vocational Singleness
Watch this recording of St. Bartholomew Episcopal Church’s Theology on Tap where I led a discussion about discernment and vocational singleness.
The Case for Vocational Singleness
From Christianity Today - How can our churches raise up more kingdom workers to heal our communities with undivided attention? Our churches need to become places where young adults genuinely discern whether God is calling them to vocational singleness or Christian marriage.
Leveraging Christian Singleness
Watch this video to deepen your vision for how God wants to use singleness, whether temporary or lifetime. What is vocational singleness? Why does God call people to vocational singleness?
Single but Not Solitary with Laurie Krieg
Listen to this interview about the Nashville Family of Brothers on the Hole in My Heart Podcast. We explore why NFOB started, what Jesus teaches about lifelong singleness, and why permanent lived-in family makes all of the difference.
3 Ways to Make Singleness a Win for the Gospel
The Church needs to see more Christians faithfully walking out lifetime singleness for the sake of the kingdom (AKA “celibacy”). That witness helps the Church grasp the hope of the gospel and begin living into the reality of the kingdom today. No witness to this hope is more moving than that of Christ himself.