Why should all discern (+objections)
Why should every Christian young adult open-handedly discern between vocational singleness or Christian marriage? And what about reasonable objections?
Review of Todd Hunter’s “Deep Peace”
Check out my review of Bishop Todd Hunter’s new book “Deep Peace”. It’s packed with wisdom, and I particularly appreciated musings on peacefully loving our enemies.
My favorite author on Celibacy
Max Thurian’s “Marriage and Celibacy” is my go-to recommendation if reading on Protestant theology of celibacy. Check out this post about his book and an icon recently commissioned of the theologian.
Jesus & Paul Taught Lifetime Singleness
Here's 5 reasons why Jesus and Paul *were* particularly talking about permanent singleness. Plus how recognition of this would change our churches.
How can churches offer a winsome witness to LGBT+ people?
How can we be a winsome witness to LGBT+ people who are curious about Jesus but repelled by perceptions of Christian homophobia?
Is celibacy harder than marriage?
Is celibacy harder than marriage? I don't think so. Doing life with faithful Christian marriages has convinced me.
Is giving up gay romance a sacrifice?
Is giving up gay romance a sacrifice? If not a sacrifice, why is gay celibacy so difficult?
What kind of love are you made for?
What kind of love are you made for? I joined the Atlanta City Fellows Program to explore the nature of God's love. I argued that God has made all of us to enjoy intimacy in the context of family.
How does the Ex-Gay Movement continue today?
Over the past 50 years 700,000+ Americans participated in sexual orientation change efforts. The results? 96% of people experienced no change in sexual orientation while risk of suicidality doubled. Unfortunately, these practices still continue in our churches…
Do we need sex or romance?
I joined Vanderbilt Medical Christian Fellowship for a conversation about faith and intimacy. I suggested that none of us *have to have* romance or sex to meet our intimacy needs. What do we need?
Body shame comes in all sizes (& sexes)
I've shared more with friends over the past few years about my body shame. It's been telling me a powerful lie for 20 years: "If you looked like the perfect-seeming guys in videos, you'd be loved. You wouldn't feel alone."
Is celibacy a call to *just as much* human intimacy in family?
While vocational singleness is most often a call to give up romance, marriage, sex, and children to do other kingdom work with undivided attention, it's still a call to intimacy in family.
Parents, choose vocational singles as godparents
Easter 2021 marked two years since Bentley was baptized and I became his godfather. Being a godfather has changed the way I love Bentley and see myself.
The Dear Gay Anglicans Letter
Learn about the Dear Gay Anglicans Letter, its origins, the authors and intent, and ongoing work to welcome and minister to gay agnostics curious about getting to know Jesus in an Anglican context and gay Christians committed to a traditional sexual ethic.
Don't try to convince non-believers that gay marriage is wrong
I often get asked, "How do I convince my gay friend who isn't a Christian that gay marriage is wrong?" You probably won't.
What’s the best thing straight Christians can do for gay people?
What is the most impactful thing straight Christians can do for gay people? My answer: Give God a chance to call you to vocational singleness.
Sadness and insecurity at my brother's wedding
My brother and sister-in-law made extra effort to include me in their wedding. And by no fault of there's, the wedding was still difficult at times.
Why does God call some people to vocational singleness?
Why does God call some people to vocational singleness? Answer: To give hope for a time without the need for romance or exclusivity!